[an error occurred while processing this directive] national hook, hold and hack league
 National Hook, Hold and Hack League 

Or National Cheating League. Or League where entertainment is stifled by using the stick on the body. League that does not understand the concept 'evolve or die'.

The stick on the body is creeping back in. Why is nothing being done about it? Why why WHY? It needs to be stamped out immediately. Why are the players continually allowed to get away with bringing that crap into the game?

The first games of the season were beautiful. But now I see that a player with the puck is not even trying to dangle again because they are accepting that they will get tugged on the hands, hips, or legs, or they will get 'leaned' on with the defender putting his stick merely 'on' the offensive player and putting his weight into it. Gee, how defensive, how stullifying, how BORING.

Why in the world did they not make it black and white: the stick is not something to be used to impede the other player. Period. Any contact on a players body that is done on purpose with the stick is not allowed. Then there is no discretion in the call. No question about the rule.

Why is the managment of the league not firing referees for not making the calls anymore? Is the management not in charge? Why not tell refs their games will be reviewed and start fining them for not calling rules to the letter? And make the fines exponential.

Does the management feel sorry for the teams complaining that the game was all special teams? Notice to the teams: don't break the rules! Or how about get rid of players who belonged to the old style of perfect checking and bring in quicker skilled players. Gee, can't do that, they can't fight thru the hooking and interference. How eye-drooping, how yawnzers.

Taking out the use of the stick on the body would pretty much properly open up the game. More dangling, more goals, more excitement, that sorts of stuff. Y'know, the reason I watch in the first place. Or used to watch. I'm already down to watching only 5 mins a period. Nov 14, 2005

 Nov 21, 2005 - good news, bad news, ugly attitude

Bad news. Watched last 8 mins of Oilers and Blackhawks a couple of nights ago, some penalties called. Except in the last 2 minutes. And using the stick to hassle the player was an allowed part of the game. Hated it.

Good News. I guess there was a game last night (ducks and canucks?) where everything was called. Can I get a listing of the refs that call things then? So I know when to watch? So I won't waste my money when going to a game?

Ugly Attitude. So the players, indignant that they were getting penalized, scream at the ref, "that's f*cking bullsh*t!". How about a 10 minute misconduct penalty for mouthing the ref? With a one game suspension for 2 violations. Un-Sporting. Unlike the conduct of a good sport.
simon of earth, simon, blah