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Mar 11th, 2012 at 4:35am
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This is a little mod I've created to "enhance" the looks of uT99 and give it a more updated look. Here is a copy of the ReadMe that is packaged with the mod.

##  EnhancedUT_2K12 ¬ Created by §¡k- © 2012 ¤  ##

What does it do ?
__________________ is a little mod that I created to "enhanced" the visual gameplay of UnrealTournament!
It has certain interface chages like color change to killspree / chat text; new killspree messages;
new pick-up messages for weapons, ammo and power-up's; player comes up as " » Enemy " when in view
and new textures added to a few of the weapons. They now look different (updated) when you fire them.


Bio Rifle - updated goo (more translucent)

Shock Rifle - removed 2nd and 3rd set of hitrings (much cleaner look when shockbeam hits) new
shockproj / combo textures - UTPure permitted :[

Pulse Gun - removed hitcap from end of beam (cleaner view, you can now see your oppenent's blood)

Blade Ripper - new secondary firing skin

Flak Cannon - new shrapnel texture (kind of a glow effect, easier to follow the chunktrail)
« Last Edit: Mar 11th, 2012 at 5:54am by SiK-Commando.EliT3.1 »  

EnhancedUT_2K12.rar ( 4 KB | Downloads )
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YaBB Newbies


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Re: EnhancedUT_2K12
Reply #1 - Mar 11th, 2012 at 4:36am
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Map-out plan for my mutator ..

1. add contents of (possibility between either shock combo's)

2. write drop_amp code & countdown time remaining code + hud (w/ amp icon)

3. add redeemer2k4 but edit the mesh and add the redeemer2k3 explosions mesh

4. would like to add feature where you switch to a weap. and it shows the weapons name, lower mid screen (mt. st. helen server has this feature) minus the "scratch-out" effect behind the names

5. add the 1st custom EUT scope to the sniper rifle.

6. write code to have different crosshairs for each weapon.
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Re: EnhancedUT_2K12
Reply #2 - Mar 11th, 2012 at 5:55am
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1. not sure about this one.

2. you could look at code in medWeaponAmplifier for drawing on the HUD example.

3. might be ambitious, I think editing a mesh is hard, not sure though.

4. not sure why you think this is just on my server? I'm not doing that, that should just be UT doing that. I mean that it is standard UT weapon behaviour. Anyways, to do your own drawing on hud for a weapon, I would subclass the weapon, and draw stuff in the PostRender() method. Actually #2 is a good example for this as well.

5. and 6. There are lots of custom snipers out there as I'm sure you know, so there's plenty of code out there to look at.

With the exception of 1 and 3, I think you could do this.

That ability to load all that stuff through an int with exec, that sure was news to me. Good to know.

One of the Scriveners.
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Re: EnhancedUT_2K12
Reply #3 - Mar 11th, 2012 at 6:18am
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Well like I said bro I already have most of the coding done for my mutator. I just need to add the updated stuff I added into it. My mod is just to update the looks of uT99 and make it funner. As for editing the Redeemer, that should be plenty simple, all I should have to do is decompile the 2 deemer mutators, take the mesh from 2K3 and overwrite the 2K4 mesh then recompile. And as for the sniper, all I want to do is replace the existing zoom scope, that's it! All in all it really wouldn't be all that hard for an experienced coder because like I said I already have the mutator coded, and I got the source from my buddie that coded it for me. I just need to add the new things I added to my mod plus come up with the rest of the code for my newer ideas like the amp drop with timer and hud and the custom sniper scope. The custom crosshairs for each weapon I could do without, just seems like a cool idea. But I would think that it would be possible by adding a few lines of code to each class i branch off for the weapons, and just associate a crosshair with that weapon ? Like I said I still learning and I'm new but that's my take of it. Let me know how close / far I am with my ideas on how to do this stuff.
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Re: EnhancedUT_2K12
Reply #4 - Mar 11th, 2012 at 4:25pm
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For some of that stuff that is done in, you might try using one of AlwaysKeep(), CheckReplacement(), or ModifyPlayer() within your mutator class. For whatever can't get done in those, you would likely have to subclass the weapon.

But since you want to have your own crosshair per weapon, I think you will have to subclass the weapons for that anyway, yes.

For sniper scope, if you just want to replace the current non-animated image with a different non-animated image, yes that's easy, just subclass sniper and replace image.

The drop amp thing, somebody's already done that, but I don't know the name of it. Just post a thread at asking for the name of it, and then you can download and have most of the code.

One of the Scriveners.
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