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Viva la France! (Stargate SG·1)
Sep 4th, 2011 at 5:09pm
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Little fuzzy what category this should go under, so mods feel free to move it as I'm just guessing.

Admittedly I was just emptying out my favorites when I found a mention about this on a page but the link there was dead. Did a little googling by the filename to track it down and play it and was quite impressed, though I'm surprised I didn't know about this.

I was aware of a similar project for ut2k4 ·

I didn't know there was a similar abandoned one for ut99.

So the .zip contains 2 Stargate SG·1 gametypes, deathmatch & assault. Sadly there's only one DM map, nothing for AS. There's an SG·1 uniform for the Male Commando, a mutator for the Goa'uld staff weapon in arena format, and that's about it.

The instructions are in French. The speech boxes, and ingame messages, are in French. It's all very French. I used Google Translate with the help file, it promises that more will be coming soon but given the listed website is mostly dead links...not counting on anything more.

The staff weapon is fun. 2 firing modes, ones a little faster than the other, other one seems to hit a bit harder. It's a wide blast, they got the sound effect down perfectly, and it hits hard... though there's a range aspect. If you're shot face to face, it hits like an instagib. Over a greater distance it will still knock you off your feet but you'll survive it if you've got full health.

If I ever get around to hosting games, I'll be using this thing every so often.

It doesn't look quite right in the hands of standard ut99 models, mostly due to hand positioning. Skaarj Trooper handles it nicely, but then they one hand every weapon. A few other models look pretty decent with it too.

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Re: Viva la France! (Stargate SG·1)
Reply #1 - Sep 5th, 2011 at 4:22pm
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Some things I didn't cover last time plus some new stuff. Spent my lazy Sunday trying out the Goa'uld staff weapon in various gametypes.

1) MonsterHunt: Works great on standard monsters, not so much on bosses. Seems kinda odd, when most any other weapon will slice down bosses pretty quick that this thing takes forever even when fired from multiple sources/

2) Staff weapon bursts can block bursts from other staff weapons. Not too surprising given the blast is a very large burst.

3) Given the angle most models hold the staff weapon at, seems to cause difficulty of walking through narrow doorways.

4) Staff weapon doesn't care if you've got the shieldbelt or not. At close range, it will still kill you in one burst.

Personally I think this thing needs a 3rd firing type, so when you run out of ammo you can hit people with it. Kinda like the Krall do with their melee attacks.
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Re: Viva la France! (Stargate SG·1)
Reply #2 - Sep 5th, 2011 at 5:01pm
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I tried it out. Keep in mind when reading my review that I hate insta, especially insta-only.

minus - the two fire modes are too similar, need more variety. Plus a third like you said, to maybe swing it in a circle or something. Or throw it like a spear lol.
minus - with just the one weapon, it got old pretty quick. Especially since the blast can be stopped by other blasts.
plus - I thought the health box and health vial meshes were very nice
plus - the sound when firing was good
personal plus - There is a particular effect I wanted to put into the pirate deemer that I didn't know how to do, but this mod may have given me a clue  Smiley

Not bad overall.

One of the Scriveners.
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Re: Viva la France! (Stargate SG·1)
Reply #3 - Sep 5th, 2011 at 8:18pm
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Helen wrote on Sep 5th, 2011 at 5:01pm:
plus - the sound when firing was good
personal plus - There is a particular effect I wanted to put into the pirate deemer that I didn't know how to do, but this mod may have given me a clue  Smiley

Not bad overall.

YAY!!! - Any ideas would be welcome!
(but remember - I love things to be adjustable and optional, if possible)


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