medToggle210| a UT99 mutator by Helen |

This mutator allows you to 'toggle' many different game settings per map.

Example - let's say that for the maps in your rotation, you mostly don't want the Translocator to be used, but you wish it could be turned on for just a couple of maps. Well, with this mutator, you can!

Another example - you could be mostly happy with the default Air Control of 35%, but for DM-Morpheus, you could set it to 100%! Or drop it to 5%, and watch everybody strugglegetting back onto solid ground. This sure would stop those players who camp the weapons up top.

And another example - you could set the frag limit higher for tiny maps, and smaller for big maps.

Here are all the settings available to set per map:

Frag Limit Translocator Weapon Stay
Max Team Score Bot Skill Force Respawn
Game Speed Min Players Force Team Balance
Air Control Time Limit Friendly Fire

setting it up manually

If you don't have the medMutatorEd, or if you really just want to do it yourself, this is what you need to do. (The maps part is pretty cumbersome though... it is the whole reason I came up with the medMutatorEd).

| defaults |

Within the medToggle.ini, here are the names of the default keys, as well as some example values for each of them:


| map specific |

Let's say you want the Translocator to be true for DM-Codex. This is what the line would need to look like in the medToggle.ini:


Now you add another map, and the only thing you want to set for it is Time Limit = 15. The two map lines would need to look like this:


So the easy part is starting the line with 'cMap[n]', where 'n' is a continuous number from one line to the next. Following this comes the equal sign, and then the map name. But after the map name is where you need to be diligent. Each setting after the map name needs to be in a certain spot, and the spots are separated by commas. So above, for DM-Codex, we can see that the Translocator spot is the first one right after the map name. But for DM-Mita][, where a Time Limit has been specified, this needs to fall into the 7th spot, so you have to make sure you add in the right amount of commas to get by all the 'empty' spots.

So on a map line, after the map name, this is the order for which setting name goes into which spot:

Translocator, Game Speed, Air Control, Bot Skill, Min Players, Max Team Score, Time Limit, Weapon Stay, Force Respawn, Force Team Balance, Friendly Fire, Frag Limit, Gravity

Here are the accepted values for each setting:

Translocator: true or false
Game Speed: greater than zero and less than or equal to 2 (decimals allowed)
Air Control: greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1 (decimals allowed)
Bot Skill: greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 7 (integers only)
Min Players: greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 32 (integers only)
Max Team Score: greater than zero and less than 1000 (integers only)
Time Limit: greater than or equal to zero and less than 1000 (integers only)
Weapon Stay: true or false
Force Respawn: true or false
Force Team Balance: true or false
Friendly Fire: greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1 (decimals allowed)
Frag Limit: greater than zero and less than 1000 (integers only)
Gravity: greater than zero and less than or equal to 1000 (integers only)

Here are what the values mean for cBotSkill:

0 = novice
1 = average
2 = experienced
3 = skilled
4 = adept
5 = masterful
6 = inhuman
7 = godlike

For Gravity, 1000 means normal gravity, otherwise the lower the number, the lower the gravity. As a measuring stick, UT's typical "LowGrav" is 200.

| files |

Once you have finished setting up the medToggle.ini, then you will need to put these files into the System folder:

Note, for this mutator, you do NOT need to add anything to the UnrealTournament.ini file.

command line

If your host allows you to edit the startup command line, here is an example that would include this mutator:

unrealtournament.exe DM-Codex?game=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus?MaxPlayers=16?mutator=medToggle210.medToggle -server

To specify more than one mutator, you just separate them with commas:

unrealtournament.exe DM-Codex?game=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus?MaxPlayers=16?mutator=CCProtector40.CCProtector,medToggle210.medToggle -server| content 2010 by Helen |